My grandfather started taking me fishing when I was about 3 years old in local ponds.  As I got older I fished all the local ponds you could get to with a rod on the handlebars of my bike.  I fished before school, after school and all summer long.  In the summers we fished on the Sea Tiger out of Atlantic Highlands where I caught my first 10.5lb fluke at the rail between my Uncles and Grandfather.  My grandfather kept a clipping of that catch from The Fisherman Magazine in his wallet until the day he passed.  Like many of you I have fished my whole life in both fresh and saltwater.  I’ve fished with friends and family.  I’ve fished with beginners and seasoned anglers.  I’ve gotten skunked and had days most people dream of.  When it comes down to it you won’t always remember the gear you used but you will remember the days you spent on the water.  We want to be part of your story where fishing becomes family.

By: Ryan Ahern

About the author : Ryan Ahern

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