Color often times seems secondary to the profile but there are many times where one color out catches all others. As a general rule the depth and water clarity should be considered when selecting a spoon. We like to fish bright colors like chartreuse and white when the water is stained and in depths over 25 foot. These colors also work well in overcast and cloudy days just as well as bluebird days. Reflective colors seem to draw the fish in when the water clarity is good and you have good overhead light. If fishing with others it is always best to strategize different colors and sizes to find out what is most productive. What works best one part of the day will not always be the same by the end. If you fish Raritan Bay and can only buy one spoon the 9″ Chartreuse is hard to beat producing in a variety of conditions. However, having a selection of colors and sizes allows you to adjust with the conditions. There is no greater frustration while fishing than watching everyone else hooking up while you can’t buy a bite.